Delaware Valley Chapter of the North American Rock Garden Society
Bletilla striata, Saxifraga oppositifolia, 
  Saxifraga callosa ssp. catalaunica, Daphne x transatlantica, Anthyllis montana, Androsace sarmentosa, Tetraneuris herbacea

Officers and Appointees


Chair: Louise Clarke (email or 215-990-8140)

Vice-Chair/Program Chair: Laura Axel

Recording Secretaries: Tracy Constantine and Nora Sirbaugh

Treasurer: Jerry Rifkin (email)

Membership Secretaries: Leslie Morris-Smith and Erin Van Yahres (email)

Dodecatheon Editor: Sharee Solow

Directors at Large: Jill Evans and Lisa Roper


AV equipment: Rick Ray

Chapter Plant Show: Radford MacFarlane, Michele Hall, and Gwynne Ormsby

Coffee and Tea: Kit Godbold and Sandy Bigatel

Garden tour coordinator: Linda Marcucci

Information Technnology: Janet Novak (email)

Plant Sales: Janet Novak (email)

Webmaster: Janet Novak (email)

Adonis amurensis

Adonis amurensis, one of the earliest flowers of spring. Photographed March 5, 2011 in the garden of Janet Novak